Les Restaurants du Coeur

“Heart’s restaurants” 

“Les Restaurants du Coeur” is a French organization created by Coluche. Coluche died but the organization continued its activities. The first restaurant opened in 1985. 

A lot of artists are meeting every year who perform together to collect money. Their name is « Les Enfoirés » and they form a group of approximately 40 singers (sometimes other artists too) together. The goal of "Les restaurants du coeur" is  to help and give assistance for the people who have no food. They distribute them meals all for free.

25 years after the foundation of the organization, 115 million balanced meals are distributed since 1985 by the organization. The first idea of Coluche was to help people during winter but nowadays, « Les restaurant du coeur » help people throughout the year. The people who work for the organization are volunteers (58000).

The slogan of the organization is: ON COMPTE SUR VOUS ! (“We’re counting on you!”)

You should give money to this association because we make people happy. We give what is necessary to people who have difficulties to live.


  1. I vote for this presentation because the informations are complete and the texte is not to long or to short. Olympe

  2. I vote for this presentation because it is very interessting, not to small or to big, a good sumery.
    It has a good structure and the sentences are clear and simple. Auceane


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